четверг, 1 февраля 2018 г.

Essay editing and proofreading

Of course, it is better to proofread your essay before submitting. Editing means not only fixing spelling and grammar mistakes but also making essay explain its core idea more smoothly. In addition, it is about proper formatting and removing possibly plagiarized phrases. Moreover, it is much cheaper to order editing & proofreading service from a custom writing company than to order a brand new essay written from scratch. 


Writing an effective introduction

Any essay starts with an introduction. Effective one always has a hook to catch the reader's attention. Writing perfect introductions is both an art and an experience. AEssay's blog explains the functions of an introduction, recommended structure of the first essay's paragraph and what should be avoided. Two intro samples are analyzed for their effectiveness level. Some useful phrases are listed as a writing hack. These advices aim at helping student create a true a-grade essay.

воскресенье, 20 марта 2016 г.

Before submitting Your essay...

Are You finally ready with Your essay? Don't hurry up to submit it yet! Let yourself make the final checks using the recommended essay checklist. It will help You get a better grade and guide You through the revision process efficiently.

Don't let Yourself spoil the grade after so many efforts invested!

понедельник, 15 ноября 2010 г.

The "A" Essay

What is the difference between an A-grade essay and "B" and "C" essays? Everyone strives for an "A" essay but not everyone is able to write such an essay.
The basic difference lies in a student's thinking and writing level. A-grade essays reflect full understanding of the subject and focus sharply on it. The essay's introduction clearly announces... Read more

воскресенье, 14 ноября 2010 г.

Newborn... AEssay.com - A-grade essays written just for You!

Let me introduce AEssay to the bloggers. We are new here, yet already an experienced custom writing service whose freelancers write for more than 10 years already.

Welcome to our website where you can order a-grade custom written papers of any kind!

This blog is intended to inform you about our news, essay writing articles and other interesting stuff. Just stay connected! ;)